I awoke this morning after wading through insomnia last night. I was up into the early, dark hours of the night, with one concern on my heart. I prayed through four hours of bathing my concerns in love and the power of Divine Love.

After a few hours of sleep, dreams of washing concerns away, and the death of past ways of living, filled my heart. Yet, my soul was troubled, deeply. When I awoke into the new morning, my heart continued troubled.

I moved through my morning routine, pressing in to the Presence of Jesus. I sang worship and praise songs, carrying music with me through all my farm chores. (The animals love it when I play music and sing around them.)

When I made my way inside, again, I continued in meditation, clinging to the Presence of a good, Good Father in Heaven. There was a rumbling in my heart and I felt much disruption within. Still, I clung to the goodness of God; King of my Heart. He is so good.

My meditation practice incorporates physical movement similar to the strenuous stretching and breathing of yoga. After working my muscles for a short while, in a moment of physical and emotional exhaustion, I rolled over onto my back, and thence began my vision….


I saw a great, hand-held pick axe: Heaven’s Digger. No visible hand held it. It descended quickly upon me, too quick for me to be afraid. I simply watched as it swung down onto my chest. The sharp end dug into my heart. Instantly, it burst backwards as a sudden burst of golden oil exploded up, out of my heart.

I heard the words,


The turbulence in my heart boiled and bubbled over, spraying all around me. I saw the faces of those closest to my heart all drenched in this golden oil.

IT WAS THE GLORY OF HEAVEN. The Oil of Joy for mourning! The fuel of Heaven, God’s Glory, spewed out of my heart and the disruption in my soul settled down as the flow glugged to a slow and steady bubbling. Golden oil spread all about me, seeping into everything it touched.

I bathed in the Glory, the Presence of Heaven. And all who drew closer to me, were made wet and covered by this Oil of Heaven’s Glory. AMEN.